Friday, September 25, 2009


I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing :'((((((((

sedih benjet ternyata

Thursday, September 24, 2009

vix gue kehilangan cupi, gue baru nangis sekarang hehehe gue malu deh :$

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Nad @ Gute

Viiiix I'm so glad that I have y'all! Gue lg di gute nich, ngumpul sama UTE critanya haha tapi blm pada dateng, akhirnya gue duduk sendiri di gute. Btw I'm the only guest in this bistro, so I'm definitly alone alone, real alone. But tiba2 ada mas2 nyanyi -..- and I don't like he's voice.... If you all wondering 'where are the boys nad?!', well... You know boys right? Ngemeng doang ga telat. First the guitarist, gue baru nyampe di gute trs dia nlfn nanya gue dimana dan gue tanya balik dia menjawab 'di senayan gue nad, lg blajar mobil ehehehe' -..- now the vocalist, jam 12 gue tlfn baru di angkat agak lama gt ternyata dia tidur dan dia blg 'untung lo nlfn nad, kalo engga.... Gatau deh ehehehe' -_- then the bassist, jam 12 gue tlfn 'gue jalan skrg kok, cuma 15 menit nad. Jgn telat ye' -_-' finally the drummer, gue tlfn sampe 3 kali ga di angkat kalo ga tidur ya metong lah tu anak -_-"


siapa yang ngedit? mahahahah

eh eh

eh ada yg edit background kita ya?


vix we have 6 followers hahahaha

this is why I told u guys to check our blog