Wednesday, December 23, 2009


hey my ladies, not so happy when i wrote this :( quick post. i just want you all to know that im leaving on March. i know this is too fast. kita yg udah bareng selama 3-4 thn aja msh kecepetan, gmn gue sama adit yg hari ini baru 2 bulanan? (24/12) oh well, maybe my mom and Jer choose this for my academics, but they simply not thinking about my own life, my best friends, my boyfriend and of course my beloved-rocking-band UTE ;) and...... my tears just dropped. didnt mean to make you all cry (if you are), but i wrote the post as it is, ga kurang ga lebih. i guess i still have a little time to hang with you guys :) and im coming home on 7 jan, i think.

yours, Nadia Chairina

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December 17, 2009

I'm back again! With alot of things to share of course ;) gue cerita dari pertama gue nyampe ya. Jd kmaren gue nyampe jam 1.45, trs gue balik kermh sama jer naik mobil, krn mobilnya kecil, nyokap gue naik taksi sama koper2. Tengah jalan nyokap gue nlfn blg koper gue ga ada O_O tapi pas sampe rmh ada kok ternyata....... rmh gue disini kecil, simple ga neko2. no swimming pool, no big garden :/ sorenya gue mau keluar kan nyari semacem circle k gt, baru keluar rmh anginnya lgsg whoooossshhh dingin beudh parah tp gue tank top sama shorts hahaha jalannya arah ke pantai gt ternyata, yauds lanjut lah gue jalan sama nenek lampir. ternyata itu jauh bangeeeeeet, betis sama paha gue udah kenceng tmbh kenceng lg :( mana pulangnya pake nyasar lg gara2 nenek lampir, keram lah kaki gue. malemnya jg tmbh dingin lg anginnya lebih kenceng.

hari ini, sekarang, gue di tmpt kyk mall gt cuma ya beda bgt lah sama mall jkt hahaha gue lg duduk kan nungguin nyokap beli kado buat jer, daritd ngeliatin org jalan doang -..- cwo2 sini? beeeeeegh hot2 bgt parah, mukanya lucu2, gayanya cool2 bgt. kalo cwe2nya agak2 bitchy disini, gue jg males merhatiinnya hahaha seragam skolah sini pake mini skirt gt loh, ngetat jg haha aaaaaaaa i wanna go home, i miss adit and you guys so much! may please jgn nangis, ini baru 3 minggu gmn 3 thn? ngomong 3 thn, ga bisa ngebayangin bgt gue sama adit nanti gmn.......... gue mau long distance, tapi pasti gue ga kuat, adit jg pernah blg gt. duh pengen nangis bgt :''''''''''(

Nadia Chairina

gonna miss nadia :(

hey all im in gold coast right now,bsk gue terbang ke sydney baru balik ke jakarta....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA padahal were in the same country nad kenapa sih ga bisa ktm :( huhuhu pokonya harus skype bgt pas ulang taunnya niya :) :) well gue bingung banget nih oleh2 huhu sorry ya kalo pd gasuka,jatah gue dikit begete,oke segitu aja ya gue mau dinner...........bye people

Irani ♥

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Aaaaah nadia!!!! Sumpah gue nangis gerong2 bacanya huahuahuaaaa :'''''''(((( naddy sedih :(

See you in January ;)

hey ya my lovely girrrlsssss! guess im gonna miss you all so much!! today im going to Perth to have my holidays there and see my new house :/ and try to look for a new school. what time is it? it's 12.44 in the morning! yea im still packing my stuff. it's a lot of clothes to pack ya know? phew. and im 5 hours away from departure! anywaaaayssss, i cant attend Babi's birthday :''""""( huhu so sorry Niya............... AH! how about video call through Skype???? y'all have Skype right? well not all of you, at least one of you guys have one right? since you gather along at Niya's place let's talk+gossip+curhatsession ;) hahaha im talking english! binushit (?). what else i want to share? hmmm........ mmmmmm............ oh well, i completely forgot what im trying to spill :/ i'll post again if i remember them. now im going to pack pack pack again! see ya in Jan girlsss :-*:-*:-*

nb: my Skype account nadiachairina

Saturday, October 24, 2009

hey kitty

hui pisen jgn sombong2 dunnnddd
mo gmn pun kan we have been trough it together, whether sad or happy
kita masukin masa puber bareng
kita pertama kali muged aja bareng hauhauhaaha


ini gajelas

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


setelah gue baca2 lg post2 an nya nadiyeah kejam yaw hehehe, OMAY